Tuesday 5 July 2011

New show, new drama

Just to get you up to speed on where I am now - a couple of weeks ago we started rehearsals for a new show.  My choir - for this blog I'll call us Resonance - has well over 150 people and together we make a great sound, so the day we first sing together after a break is always a bit of a high.

In theory, we don't have to read music, but in practice most of us do, to some level.  My own music-reading skills are moderate at best, but I pick things up so quickly that most people think I'm a lot better at it than I actually am.

So far we've done quite a few concerts together, and frankly we're bloody good.  We have a couple of CDs - no, you won't find us on iTunes (yet), they were sold independently - and have taken part in so many smaller shows and concerts that I've lost count.  We all know each other fairly well.  Before I really get into the story of our latest show, let's have a quick rundown of our 'main characters'.  Obviously, this isn't anyone's real name!


Bill - Our choir leader and 'man in charge'.  He comes up with the ideas and mostly brings them to fruition.  A very talented man, and so far most of Resonance would walk over hot coals for the man.

Mags - Organiser, people-mover and occasional stand-in for Bill. She has the job of conducting and rehearsing us when Bill is away, and of monitoring attendance and general paper-pushing when he's here.

Christian - Holder of the purse strings. The representative of the local authority that provides our funding.

Kaylee - First soprano, thirtysomething, probably the most technically gifted person in the choir. Fully aware of how talented she is, but doesn't like anything approaching criticism - as she rarely gets criticism, it works out well!

Claire - Mezzo soprano, late twenties, more pop than Broadway or classical. Not Kaylee's favourite person. Genuinely nice girl, ridiculously talented, but never picks up on other people's feelings at all.

Dee - Alto, early forties. Serviceable voice enhanced by an excellent stage presence. Fairly practical.

Charis - Thats me! Mezzo soprano with alto tendencies, decent at pop, rock, Broadway but only serviceable at anything classical. Tend to end up with the character parts due to the presence of Claire.

Keith - Tenor, good singing voice but not the Pavarotti he thinks he is. Late forties. Like most tenors, prone to diva fits to put a soprano to shame.

Grayson - Tenor, late forties. Solid singer with no delusions of grandeur.

There are many others, who I'll introduce as and when they surface!